Exciting breakthrough novels - direct! Pioneer Teens was formed in order to produce page-turning books for teen and YA readers, available at a cut-price discount: our business model is based on pioneer relatives or friends buying a set of books to share as presents with others - although of course all our titles are available to order individually in bookshops or from online retailers. Our first novel in the Pioneer Teens series was Spiral of Prospero by Nigel Argall, a former youth worker, who wanted to write books for the age group he worked with. This was followed up by Lucerin:Identity, by Dan Corns - a secondary school teacher who wanted to make reading more fun for the teenagers he was teaching. Both novels have received overwhelmingly positive feedback, and we remain on the lookout for new work by previously unpublished novelists: our criteria are very strict, however, as submissions must be original and innovative, and we operate a strict editorial system to ensure that our published books are fast-paced for teen and YA readers: buyers can therefore be confident in our books when they give them to others as presents. Website design, images and content are copyright© FYG Explorer Ltd 2012-2022 |